Home Health 6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Salt

6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Salt

by Zaineey
signs you're eating too much salt

signs you’re eating too much salt

In everyday life, almost everyone overeats salt. To understand this, it is enough to remove all semi-finished products from the diet, and then the person’s weight and pressure will decrease, his working capacity will increase, and he will feel much better. Salt retains fluid in our body – this has long been proven.

A hundred years ago, French doctors noticed the following: when they prescribed a diet without salt to patients, the pressure decreased, and the state of health improved.

The same happens when people are admitted to a hospital where there is dietary food. However, when a person returns home from the hospital and begins to eat more salt, with the same treatment, his condition worsens again.

A gram of sodium (which is contained in salt) retains 200 ml of water, which leads to hidden edema inside the body, and lymph stagnation occurs. However, our wise body understands everything, and when there’s an excess of sodium, it excretes it along with urine. However, along with this, a lot of calcium is also lost, and its lack leads to osteoporosis.

An excess of salt in the body, more precisely in the stomach, produces a lot of hydrochloric acids, which can lead to gastritis. Our body is a self-regulating system that up to a certain point can compensatory support all functions, for example, removing excess salt, after all, we have kidneys.

With age, kidney function deteriorates, and therefore even the amount of table salt that you are accustomed to in your younger years becomes superfluous. The older you are, the more important it is to monitor your diet closely and, if necessary, make changes to it, replacing salt with less dangerous seasonings. Therefore, when the body ceases to cope, diseases arise, such as arthritis, hypertension, gastritis, diabetes, and others.

Eating Too Much Salt Symptoms You Should Know

There are a few obvious signs that the kidneys are not getting rid of that amount of salt:

1. Thirst

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Thirst and dry mouth are the first signals that a person is consuming too much salt. Despite the fact that the body works hard to ensure that sodium and water levels are always normal, a large amount of this element can still disrupt the fluid balance.

To prevent this from happening, we advise you to drink plenty of water if you have indulged yourself and eaten chips, pizza, or other salty food. It is worth remembering that thirst can also be a symptom of diabetes.

2. High Pressure

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Normal pressure is 120/80 and below. If your blood pressure is higher than this, you may be eating a lot of salt. Since high blood pressure is rarely accompanied by any symptoms, it should be checked periodically. Ignoring the problem will lead to heart disease, heart attack, or cognitive decline.

Excessive sodium intake increases blood pressure by retaining and increasing fluid in the body, thereby making the heart work harder.

To reduce the risk of developing serious diseases, you need to try to get rid of all processed foods in the diet and add healthy foods for the heart.

3. Kidney Pain

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High salt intake increases the amount of protein in the urine, which increases the risk of kidney disease and disrupts kidney function.

In addition, sodium can cause the formation of stones in these organs. If you’re constantly experiencing pain in the kidney area, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor to find out its true cause.

You’ll most likely need to switch to a diet with as little salt as possible.

4. The Appearance Of Edema

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Exceeding the daily intake of salt can lead to an increase in the amount of sodium in the body, and this element, in turn, retains fluid. Thus, water accumulates in the tissues, resulting in edema. Any part of the body can swell the face, arms, legs, ankles, etc., which interferes with normal movement.

The easiest way to get rid of swelling is to cut down on salt. However, if after this measure the edema doesn’t go away, you need to see a doctor – this may be a sign of more serious diseases.

5. Bloating

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Another consequence of fluid retention in the body is bloating, which is not entirely comfortable and attractive. As with everything else, reducing your salt intake and drinking plenty of clean water will help get rid of the bloating.

Water will remove salt from the body. If your belly doesn’t shrink in volume, chances are you have put on a few extra pounds.

6. You Notice That Your Thinking Has Become Worse

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Excess salt has a significant effect on the cognitive functions of the brain.

Proven by Canadian scientists who have investigated the relationship between the amount of salt in the daily diet and the ability to think quickly, and learn new things. The subjects of the study were 1,200 adults, and their example, the relationship “more salt – fewer brains” was clearly established.

Eating A Lot Of Processed And Unhealthy Foods

This point has nothing to do with health, but it will answer the question more accurately than anyone will: “Do I eat a lot of salt?”

Yes, a lot, if you’re constantly visiting a fast-food restaurant or are content with unhealthy snacks, and end your day with a quick-heating dinner and a packet of chips. The production of these products and dishes is not complete without salt, otherwise, people will simply stop buying them – the company cannot allow this, therefore it adds salt (a lot of salt), flavor enhancers, and flavorings there.

It is believed that the norm of salt for an adult is 3-5 grams per day. Now people consume an average of 10-20 grams. With age, you need to reduce the amount of salt. There is a salt that is low in sodium and is healthier.

However, we must understand that it is also impossible without salt because our body needs it since it participates in biochemical processes. The amount of salt makes it a medicine or a poison – a measure is needed.

Now you know the symptoms associated with eating too much salt.


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