Home Health How To Boost Immune System Naturally : Best Ways To Boost Your Immunity

How To Boost Immune System Naturally : Best Ways To Boost Your Immunity

by Zaineey

Having a high immune system has its my benefits. Did you know that a low immune system could cause various diseases and illnesses? By taking care of your immune system, you can prevent getting sick all the time. With a stronger immune system, you also feel stronger and healthier. There’s just a certain glow with your physical appearance upon having a strong immune system.

With this being said, the following are 10 ways on how to boost your immune system:

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how to boost immune system naturally

How To Boost Immune System Naturally

1. Exercise regularly

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With regular exercise, this is one of the most effective ways to boost your immune system based on research. However, avoid overdoing your workout as rigorous workouts cause a weaker immune system that tends to cause flu and other virus infections. Cardio exercises are one of those workouts that even if you do everyday, there is no dangerous risk- and it’a good for your heart.

2. Avoid smoking

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Smoking is the fastest way to weaken your immune system completely, which is why it’s best to steer clear of this destructive habit- and that includes being exposed to second hand smoke. In fact, second hand smoke is far more destructive than smoking yourself. Smoking doesn’t just increase your risk of having cancer, but it impacts both your adaptive and innate immunity. Basically, smoking will destroy your immune system.

3. Sunlight exposure

Going out to take a way or exposing yourself to some sunlight is a great way to boost your immune system. Sunlight is one of the most direct ways to get Vitamin D, which is essential for boosting and maintaining your immune system. By going for a 10-15 minute walk, you’ll get the Vitamin D needed to boost your immune system. It’s for this reason that people who prefer sunny over rainy weathers also have a healthier and stronger immune system.

4. Moderate alcohol intake

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It’s okay to have a couple of drinks on a Friday night after work, however when it becomes a regularly or even a weekly basis, it can be destructive to your immune system. Alcohol is still alcohol and it slowly impairs both your resistance and your immune system, essential to fight off even the common cold. Moderate consumption of alcohol can actually be healthy for you, however anything excessive is dangerous.

5. Control your stress levels

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We may not always have control of our stress levels, however, try to handle your stress as best as you can. Chronic stress is one of the factors that contribute to a lower immune system, and that’s why people who are stressed tend to get sick more. In order to maintain a strong immune system, practice ways to deal with stress such as meditation, yoga or listening to relaxing music.

6. Eat more fruits and vegetables

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If you keep consuming unhealthy foods such as junk food and processed food, there won’t be a balance in your diet. Fruits and vegetables give you the essential nutrients and vitamins to boost your immune system and fight off diseases and illnesses. If all you did was eat meat with no fruits and vegetables, you’d then have a much weaker immune system. By consuming fruits and vegetable on a regular basis, you’d have a stronger immune system and a healthy diet. Vegetables are also good for your liver.

7. Get sufficient sleep

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If you’re always sleep deprived, you’ll have a weaker immune system and you’ll always wake up tired and exhausted. Lack of sleep contributes to both a weaker immune system and a weak response to vaccines, which is essential to fight off viruses. The recommendable hours of sleep is 7-8 hours of sleep everyday, and sleeping at the right hours. This means that you should avoid pulling an all nighter. If you have a deadline due the next day, procrastination isn’t supposed to be an option. To maintain a strong immune system, finish all deadlines accordingly while having no need to sacrifice your sleep pattern.

8. Take your vitamins

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Vitamins A-E can all boost your immune system accordingly, so make sure that you’re getting the right vitamins into your system. While Vitamins A, C, B6, D and E can all improve your immune system, Vitamin C is still the most significant vitamin out there. A lack of Vitamin C in your body can actually be the cause of various diseases such as Scurvy. The best sources of Vitamin C are found in fruits such as Oranges, Grapefruit and Strawberries. There are also multivitamins available for intake that have Vitamin C in them.

9. Eat foods high in garlic

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Garlic is a natural immune booster and antimicrobial agent, and it can benefit you by so much. However, heat can take off some off its essential nutrients so it’s best to put on a dish just before serving. Even if you dislike garlic, there are various recipes that would make you bear the taste of garlic. If it means having a stronger and higher immune system, then it’s all for the best.

10. Start consuming mushrooms

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Mushrooms are one of the essential ways to get nutrients and minerals into your body. It’s also considered one of the healthiest food in the world, which is why it doesn’t come as a shock that it boosts your immune system as well. Whether you put it in your food or cook it as part of a recipe, eating mushrooms is a good way to have a stronger immune system. Furthermore, mushrooms are really delicious, despite its organic nature.

In conclusion, your immune system should be something you’re always taking care of if you want to prevent various illnesses and diseases. With a strong immune system, you have more focus and you’re less exhausted- even in the presence of stress. With the 10 ways listed above, you can improve your immune system in the most natural way. After all, our immune system has everything to do with our diet and lifestyle. By avoiding destructive habits and choosing the right food consumption, you’re halfway towards a stronger immune system.


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