Home Health 10 Foods That Naturally Cleanse The Liver

10 Foods That Naturally Cleanse The Liver

by Zaineey

The liver is the largest organ in the human body, weighing up to 1.5 kg or 2.5 percent of total body weight. In addition to detoxification, it is also responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and nitrogenous substances, protein synthesis and bile production.

This organ plays an important role in metabolism. Many processes of biosynthesis and degradation of molecules take place in it. Also, the liver removes potentially toxic molecules, whether they are produced as end products of metabolism or have been entered through food, drink, medicine.

foods that naturally cleanse the liver
foods that naturally cleanse the liver

Almost all poisons that reach the liver affect its health to a greater or lesser extent. More and more industrially processed foods containing preservatives, colors, flavors and the like are our everyday life. Cosmetics, cleansers, textile dyes and similar chemicals all reach the body and liver daily. The liver, then, has to clean up the toxins left over every day so that they do not end up in our bloodstream. Increasing the use of medicines has also led to more and more people suffering from some liver diseases.

The liver is incredibly complex and a powerful weapon in protecting against harmful substances. But its strength has its limits. Your good liver reflects bad life habits. Impaired liver function reflects on your overall health. If the liver is slow and difficult to work, the body gradually becomes chronic poisoning.

Below, read more about 10 foods that naturally cleanse the liver.

Foods That Naturally Cleanse The Liver

1. Garlic

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It is an indispensable part of the Mediterranean diet, where it is used as a spice in the preparation of almost all dishes. You will use the healing powers of garlic if you consume fresh garlic.

This food activates enzymes in the liver and helps to eliminate toxins from the whole body.

Garlic has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect and effectively lowers the levels of harmful cholesterol, while the sulfur compounds of garlic help in the detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury. Nutritionist’s tip: Take at least one garlic meal with plenty of olive oil a day, because garlic is an excellent disinfectant.

2. Apples

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Fruits, especially those rich in pectin (a water-soluble dietary fiber), like apples, effectively lower cholesterol. Pectin binds to bile acids, thereby supporting the reduction of cholesterol levels and relieving the liver.

3. Cereals

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Integral cereals can greatly facilitate the work done by the liver. Common cereals, like wheat, contain gluten, which can be difficult to digest, allergic to it. For this reason, quinoa, buckwheat, rice, oats, and millet are recommended as a substitute.

4. Avocado

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Numerous scientific studies indicate that avocados are an important part of a healthy diet. No matter how delicious the avocado is, it is wonderful for your liver.

Avocados have great nutritional properties and help eliminate harmful toxins. Avocados will stimulate the production of glutathione, a compound that is essential for liver cleansing.

5. Green leafy vegetables

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Raw or cooked, green leafy vegetables promote liver cleansing. In green leafy vegetables, we find a high proportion of chlorophylls, and vegetables remove heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides. Also, it stimulates the work of bile, which eliminates waste from organs and blood.

6. Green tea

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This tea promotes liver function. It helps to eliminate toxins and deposited fats from the body and increases body hydration.

Green tea has been proven to have numerous health benefits, so it is really good to drink it as often as possible.

7. Lemon

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It is best to start the morning with a glass of lukewarm water with squeezed juice of half a lemon. This cleanses and speeds up your entire metabolism. By adopting this habit you will notice significant changes in your body’s functioning later in the day after a month. Don’t be surprised if hot water with lemon after a while becomes a ritual you can’t do without.

8. Olive oil

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Natural oils such as olive or flaxseed oil are great for liver health. You must use them in moderation. The body will supply lipids that eliminate harmful toxins.

9. Walnuts

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They contain glutathione, the amino acid L-arginine and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which can help detoxify the liver and reduce ammonia levels.

10. Grapefruit

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It contains protein glutathione, an antioxidant that prevents damage to cellular components by helping to eliminate poison from the body. Eat one grapefruit in the morning or drink squeezed grapefruit juice for breakfast. In addition to cleansing your liver, you will also give your body vitamin C, pectin, and a significant amount of antioxidants.

To keep your liver in good shape you should avoid overuse of alcohol, coffee, medicines, oily and fried foods, cigarettes and all other harmful poisons.

Carefully selected, balanced nutrition and the use of herbs, you can successfully cleanse and regenerate a damaged liver.

Fortunately, foods that naturally cleanse the liver are available to you daily.


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