Home Health How to Get Rid of Hanging Belly Fat After C Section – 8 Ways

How to Get Rid of Hanging Belly Fat After C Section – 8 Ways

by Zaineey
how to get rid of hanging belly fat after c section

how to get rid of hanging belly fat after c section

Motherhood is a part of life that almost all ladies never want to miss. It sometimes makes you feel like you have achieved all that there’s in the world. After giving birth, you lose your pre-pregnancy shape. Some of us ruminate on what to do in this daunting situation in our life.

After a C-section, envisioning how your body will look is an option that can’t be denied. Unanswered questions start running in your mind, how do you lose the hanging belly fat? Where do you get help and where do you start? Well, look no further because this post will explain various ways on how you can lose belly fat.

How to Get Rid of Hanging Belly Fat After C-Section

Below are 8 ways on how to get rid of hanging belly fat after c section;

1. Get a post-pregnancy massage

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Massage not only helps us to relax and relieve stress but it also aids in losing hanging belly fat. You should consider getting a post-pregnancy massage after two weeks of delivery.

The massage helps in losing lymph nodes fluids and breaking fat thus reducing your waistline. However, it’s advisable to avoid the abdominal area during the first few days and focus on the legs, arms, and back. After five weeks when the scar has begun to heal, you can safely massage the abdominal area without pain.

2. Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding is one of the easiest ways to lose hanging belly fat after c-section. This is deemed a natural way because when nursing, women release oxytocin hormone that promotes uterus contraction. Also, breastfeeding mothers burn about 600 calories a day.

3. Eating healthy

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New mothers need energy when breastfeeding. This is why they should eat meals with lots of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and low-fat content.

Lactating mothers should avoid sweets, fried food, ghee, butter, and aerated drinks. Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and food rich in proteins. It’s wise to keep a record of what you eat daily and the calorie count. This will help you stick to your recommended portion.

4. Get enough sleep

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With a newborn baby, it’s hard to get 8 hours of interrupted sleep. The only way you can get adequate sleep is to take a nap when your baby sleeps. This not only helps to reduce the hanging belly fat but also promotes emotional and physical health.

It’s believed that mothers who sleep for about 5 hours a night find it difficult to lose weight than mothers who sleep for 7 hours or more. This may be because when you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases cortisol and causes systematic inflammation which is better known as the stress hormone causing weight gain.

5. Drinking a lot of fluids and water

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Lactating mothers need enough water to increase their milk production. They also need to hydrate their body regularly to help in losing fat around the waist.

You can choose to drink a mix of lemon water, honey, and lukewarm water once a day preferably in the morning. Cucumber water is another healthy option or either choose to snack on watermelon, lettuce, and celery which have high water content.

6. Using a postpartum belt

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After 12 hours of surgery, doctors recommend new mothers to move around. Some may find this difficult and uncomfortable and feel like they need pressure in the area where the incision was made. This is when some use a postpartum support belt. This is believed to help in compressing the uterus thus helping it to shrink. Doctors recommend these belts to give your muscles extra support after the incision.

7. Walking your baby

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Walking your baby gives you a chance to get some fresh air. It’s also much easier compared to running. It’s even more fun when done with friends and family as you get time to catch up. You get to burn calories when walking but it’s advised to involve your baby in the walk because the weight of the stroller increases the number of calories you burn. It gives your baby a chance to familiarize and enjoy the new environment.

8. Bridge exercise

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When done correctly this exercise helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles. To achieve amazing results, spread your mat and lay on your back, make sure your feet are flat, your hands should be by your side, and your knees are bent.

Create a straight line from your knees to shoulders by raising your hips and tightening your abdominal muscles. If you’re a beginner, maintain this pose for about 5 seconds but as you get better maintain the pose for 20 seconds. If at any time you feel pain during the exercise, you are required to stop immediately.

Getting to our pre-pregnancy shape is one of the top priorities because we all need to feel comfortable in our bodies. When you’re happy you can enjoy motherhood and raise healthy babies. With all the explained ways, hanging belly fat should be a thing of the past.


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