Home HealthHealth Benefits Health Benefits of Orange: 6 Reasons To Eat An Orange A Day

Health Benefits of Orange: 6 Reasons To Eat An Orange A Day

by Zaineey

Health benefits of orange. An Orange is a nutritious fruit that one should consider as part of any diet. It’s rich in various nutrients and also supports the body in different ways. Below, we will discuss six health benefits of orange.

health benefits of orange
health benefits of orange

Health Benefits of Orange

Here are the health benefits of orange:

1. Protect Arthritis.

These fruits are rich in many antioxidants including phytonutrients, vitamin c, and flavonoids. One main benefit of antioxidants is that it reduces inflammation within the body. Arthritis is a form of inflammation which affects the joints and can cause pain, swelling, stiffness, and redness. By eating oranges you can avoid all these painful arthritis symptoms.

2. Fat loss.

One of the main health benefits of orange is that it’s a perfect fat loss snack. An average orange contains just 62 calories and is also rich in a number of fat burning nutrients. Both the potassium and vitamin B1 in this fruit boost your metabolism whilst the high dietary fiber content helps to suppress your appetite.

3. Healthy Bowels.

Another fantastic health benefit of oranges is that they contain 2 bowel boosting nutrients. The dietary fiber in this fruit promotes regular bowel movements and fights bowel disease whilst the vitamin C in oranges can protect against stomach cancer and stomach ulcers.

4. Improved blood cholesterol levels.

Your blood contains 2 types of cholesterol; low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL cholesterol sticks to the artery walls and ultimately restricts the amount of blood that can get to the heart and other vital organs. HDL cholesterol removes this damaging LDL cholesterol from the artery walls and transports it out of the body. Many of the nutrients in oranges, such as dietary fiber, certain phytonutrients, and vitamin C, reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Not only is this an excellent health benefit of oranges but it also has the added bonus of lowering your heart disease risk.

5. Strong immune system.

Oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C available and contain a significant 53.2 milligrams (mg) per 100 grams (g). One of the main roles of vitamin C is to support the production of white blood cells (cells that work as part of the immune system to fight bacteria and disease). So if you are feeling a little under the weather, tuck in and enjoy this brilliant health benefit of oranges.

6. Oranges also contain beta carotene nutrients.

In terms of health benefits, beta carotene acts as a provitamin A and is converted into vitamin A when it enters your body. This carotene supports healthy vision and night vision, keeps your reproductive system healthy, keeps your immune system healthy, supports healthy growth and much more. When it comes to beta carotene consumption there are no official recommendations available. However, some sources suggest that consumption of between 15mg – 50mg every day to unlock the health benefits of this carotene.


Oranges should be included as part of any healthy diet. They can protect you from various health ailments and even help you lose weight. So next time you find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar, grab an orange instead and start enjoying all these fantastic health benefits of oranges.

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