Home Health 10 Foods That Help You Sleep Better At Night : Foods to Eat Before Bed to Sleep Better

10 Foods That Help You Sleep Better At Night : Foods to Eat Before Bed to Sleep Better

by Zaineey

Foods That Help You Sleep Better At Night. In order to cope with insomnia, it is important to consume foods that help you sleep better at night. Did you know that there are insomnia foods that will help you sleep much better? If your head is full of problems and you can’t fall asleep on time (or take a long time to do so), we recommend that you include these foods in your menu. They will help you cope with insomnia and sleep better. Eat them shortly before going to bed and see by yourself how effective they are.

10 Foods That Help You Sleep Better Night

1. Milk

A glass of warm milk will soothe you and help you sleep better at night. This milk product contains tryptophan. This substance calms anxiety. You can drink milk sweetened with honey.

2. Bananas

This delicious fruit is very nutritious and provides you with a significant amount of energy. You can also use it to fight insomnia. Why? Because of the amount of magnesium and potassium it contains. These two substances will relax your muscles. (That is why athletes eat bananas and that’s how they protect themselves from cramps). They are a wonderful dessert if you want your body to produce more serotonin. This is the hormone that regulates sleep.

3. Almonds

Nuts in general, and almonds in particular, not only provide energy to the body. In addition, they’re a valuable source of magnesium. This substance has the ability to relax the muscles. That’s why they help you fall asleep. They’re one of the foods that help you sleep better at night.

They also prevent and reduce the appearance of cramps. Almonds also balance the blood sugar level; It is a good idea to mention that when your blood sugar is balanced, your brain is functioning smoothly; A handful of almonds after dinner will help you sleep through the night.

In addition, you can choose nuts that give you healthy fats and increase melatonin (sleeping hormone) production. Never rely on candied nuts. They will not achieve the desired effect (rather, the opposite).

4. Cherries

These small red fruits contain melatonin (sleeping hormone). Therefore, they will help you fall asleep and cope with insomnia. You can prepare cherry juice to which you can add nuts. But in no case add sugar.

5. Whole grain foods against insomnia

Whole grains do not just help with insomnia. But they also improve the quality of sleep. This is important if you often suffer from insomnia. You can eat a glass of yogurt with some wholegrain muesli for an afternoon snack. By going to bed, your serotonin level will be high enough to allow you to sleep for several hours continuously which means it helps you sleep better.

6. Chamomile tea

This tea has a natural relaxing and soothing effect. It can help a lot if you have trouble sleeping. When you drink chamomile tea warm or hot, your body calms down and your muscles relax. This drink lowers stress, nervousness, and anxiety. A cup of chamomile tea before bed is a great way to relax and calm down.

7. Boiled eggs

One of the reasons for your midnight awakening is hunger. If you haven’t eaten well at dinner (or missed that meal), your stomach will start to crunch, which will only make your insomnia worse. To avoid this, eat foods such as boiled eggs, for example. When you’re full you’ll sleep better.

8. Natural yogurt

It contains tryptophan just like fresh milk. This substance tells your brain it’s time to sleep. Natural yogurt provides you with calories and protein. Unlike other yogurts, natural milk does not contain as much lactose and sugar. And that’s why it is healthier.

9. Honey

It is a good idea to use honey for sweetening instead of sugar and artificial sweeteners. Honey ingredients help you sleep better. Because they calm the brain. To do this simply sweeten with honey the tea that you drink before bedtime.

10. Popcorn against insomnia

You like to watch movies comfortably on the couch and eat popcorn, right? To avoid insomnia, we recommend watching animation, comedy, or romance movies. Do not watch horror, action, or science fiction movies, as this will make it hard for your brain to calm down. Popcorn contains tryptophan and therefore increases serotonin production.


In fact, some food can improve your sleep and make you calm, and in the morning you will wake up full of energy. “Meal” before going to bed should contain tryptophan – an amino acid that helps the brain function, serotonin and melatonin (sleeping hormone), and other substances that help you sleep better.

Hope you’ll try eating these foods to reduce tossing around when you hit your pillow. Have a good night rest and sweet dreams.


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