Home Health Foods That Help You Poop Immediately : Eat These To Relieve Constipation Fast

Foods That Help You Poop Immediately : Eat These To Relieve Constipation Fast

by Zaineey

Foods That Help You Poop Immediately.

It is important for us to continue to Poop because our body is always going through metabolic reactions. It’s creating new cells, It’s breaking down hormones, and making new hormones, and through that process, we create our own waste which needs to be eliminated. Not only that but some of the foods that we eat in our environment are contaminated with toxins. Not only from Pesticides but from the chemicals it’s made with. So you never want that stuff just to be sitting in your system. In order to get the waste out, we need to have a flowing system that’s going out of the body that’s not clogged up.

foods that help you poop immediately
foods that help you poop immediately

Now, when you’re constipated, or not eliminating regularly enough, you can feel low energy, bloated, just feeling uncomfortable. You can develop leaky gut syndrome and again, you can develop over-toxicity which leads to feeling low energy and sometimes even food intolerance or allergies that you otherwise wouldn’t be intolerant or allergic to if you had your gut working as it should. Pathogen overgrowth can happen and we don’t want that to happen.

Foods That Help You Poop Immediately

Below are some of the foods that help you poop immediately.


Spinach is great because it’s full of fiber. And not only that it contains lots of magnesium. Magnesium helps your bowels move because it keeps what we call parasitosis the movement of the bowels moving slowly the muscles contract to move that poop through.

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Chia seeds

Chia seeds contain healthy fats that can absorb water rich in fiber, and nutrients. Looking for a great source to treat constipation and empty your bowels then the chia seeds are your best option. Soak the chia seeds in water for some time probably for about 20 minutes. Add the chia seeds to your smoothies or daily juice. The chewy texture of chia seeds will help the stool to pass through the intestines quite easily.

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Only three prunes contain eight percent of the recommended daily fiber intake. Prunes have been used for a long time as the best natural remedy to treat constipation as they are rich in fiber. Prunes help to boost bowel movement and also to pass stool. Phonology compounds in prunes, stimulate gut bacteria and improve gastrointestinal health. You can either eat them directly or add them in salads.

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The high fiber in apples improves digestion and stimulates regular bowel movements. Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber with a laxative effect that can help us off in the stool and improve gut transit time. Apples are also full of water which can prevent constipation. To enjoy the maximum Apple benefit, eat them raw or drink pulpy apple juice.

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Blueberries are a super high-end dietary fiber that can treat constipation and make you poop immediately. Half a cup of blueberries contains five grams of fiber that can help to ease the symptoms of constipation, add them to salads and smoothies or eat them raw as a snack.

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The main cause of constipation is dehydration which can make the stool dry, lumpy, and hard. Drinking a good amount of water can soften the stool and help to ease the constipation symptoms.

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If you know other foods that help to poop immediately, please share with us in the comment box below.

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