Home beautyHair Care How to Grow Thick and Long Hair In Just A Month

How to Grow Thick and Long Hair In Just A Month

by Zaineey
how to grow thick and long hair

We all want to achieve thick, shiny, and long hair. Unfortunately, the natural growth of hair is influenced by factors like genetics, age, and health conditions, among many more factors that limit us from achieving our desired looks. According to scientific research, hair grows at an average of 1 to 1.5 centimeters a month which translates to 12 to 15 centimeters a year.

Despite all the external factors that reduce hair growth, there are many ways on how to boost your hair growth rate and achieve the volume, length, and shiny look that you are striving for. Explained in this post are ways on how to make hair thicker and longer naturally.

How to Grow Thick and Long Hair

1. Inversion Method

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The inversion method is an effective procedure that can help you to achieve 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) of hair growth in just a month. This process involves massaging your head for approximately 5 to 10 minutes a day for a week and repeating this procedure twice a month.

What you need to do is sit on a chair, sofa, or bed and hang your head down between your legs. Using natural oils like coconut, Argan, or Olive oil, massage your scalp gently for a maximum of 10 minutes every day for seven consistent days. This method stimulates hair growth as the hanging of the head encourages more blood flow to the scalp and massaging it enhances the stimulation of hair follicles resulting in thicker and longer hair in a short span of time.

2. Magical Home Ingredients

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Applying home ingredients like onion juice, garlic juice, coconut milk, or apple cider vinegar has been proven to enhance more growth as these ingredients help with the general health of the scalp and more stimulation of hair follicles.

3. Rice Water for Fast Hair Growth

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Rice water is rich in amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins B and vitamins E; ingredients that boost massive hair growth. Rice water rinse is the cheapest and easiest way on how to make hair thick and long in one month. The Yao women from Huangluo Village in China have the longest hair with some having 6.8 feet (approximately 2 meters) long and their secret to this long hair is using rice water to rinse their hair.

To ferment the rice, you’ll need one glass of rice, a glass of water, and a clear glass bottle. Rinse the rice to remove excess chemicals then soak it in water in a fridge for 24 hours. After that, spray your hair and scalp with filtered rice water and let it settle on your hair for about half an hour for maximum absorption of the ingredients then wash your hair normally. Not only does rice water helps you to achieve a bouncy look, volume, and length but it also strengthens your hair hence less breakage.

4. Trimming Ends

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Damaged split ends affect the hair roots and hinder growth. This is why trimming the hair ends helps to not only get rid of the damaged split ends but also enhances growth and volume.

5. Diet

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Maintaining a particular diet of foods that are rich in biotin and Vitamin H is one way on how to make hair thick and long in one month. Some of the foods rich in these vitamins are liver, avocados, salmon, and all types of nuts. These foods help to increase the protein level in the human body which is essential for massive hair growth.

We hope you will try one or all the methods explained in this post and maintain a good diet to achieve longer and thicker hair as you desired.


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