Home beautyHair Care How To Grow A Long And Healthy Hair

How To Grow A Long And Healthy Hair

by Zaineey

Are you in a quest for long and lustrous hair? Well am sure you’re gonna be needing lots of patience. I am not here to actually discourage you. The human hair grows an average of 1/2 inch per month and 6 inches per year so that’s something but there are certain factors and conditions that actually contribute to helping the hair grow.

With appropriate care you can actually grow a strong and healthy hair. In this post we are going to see 3 easy methods and ways to grow a long and healthy hair.

How To Grow A Long and Healthy Hair Naturally

Method One: Diet Matters

how to grow a long and healthy hair

A healthy diet poses as a very important factor when it comes to hair growth. Foods with the right nutrients help to promote hair growth and healthiness of hair. For that you need to eat lots of protein.
One of the things that contribute to hair health is the adequate intake of protein. Proteinous foods like meat, eggs, beans, milk, yoghurt and nuts are beneficial for hair growth.


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Eggs contain lots of protein and biotin which are essential for hair growth. Biotin is important in the production of a hair protein known as keratin while hair follicles are made up of protein so you see why most hair masks are made with eggs. Eggs are also good sources of selenium and zinc so make sure to include an egg in your daily diet whether boiled or fried.


This is a great source of protein. It also contains iron which help in the growth of hair.


Soyabeans are good source of protein. They contain spermidine, a compound which helps to promote the active phase of hair growth.

Other foods that promote hair growth include:


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It contains nutrients such as iron, folate and vitamins A and C. The vitamin A in spinach contains sebum which helps to keep the hair moisturized and healthy. Lack of iron leads to hair loss so its ideal to take spinach which is a great source of iron to prevent hair loss and aid its growth.

Sweet Potatoes:

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Sweet potatoes contain lots of nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, potassium and B vitamins which aids hair growth. They also contain Vitamin A which is beneficial to the hair.


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Avocado contain good source of vitamin E and healthy fats which helps to prevent hair loss. They also help to protect the scalp from damages and promote healthy hair.


Nuts like almond and Brazil nuts help provide important nutrient for hair growth and provides selenium which promotes hair growth respectively.

Method Two : Styling Carefully

There are certain things to do to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Combining wet hair with care:

The hair becomes fragile when wet. In order to prevent hair loss it is advisable to avoid combing or brushing the hair when wet.

Start combing from the ends to the tops:

Always make use of a broad toothed comb to comb your hair. Start gradually from the ends to detangle any knots and slowly work your way to the top. This helps to prevent hair breakage.

Reduce Brushing:

Excessive brushing leads to hair loss and frizzy look so only comb when you’re ready to style it.

Use cotton clothes for hair drying:

A towel causes the hair to become frizzy while a sift cotton clothe is more smooth on the hair and dries faster. You don’t need to wring your hair out, just wrap it up in the cotton clothes.

Reduce the heat application:

There are different styling options that often require heat but it’s not always advisable as heat damages the hair. Instead air dry as much as possible. If there be need for heat, always use at the lowest setting (hair dryer).

Minimize the use of chemicals on the hair:

Excessive application of hair chemicals such as relaxers, perms and dyes weakens the hair so its good to limit their usage for a stronger hair.

Oil Treatment:

Apply coconut oil or even olive oil to your scalp and leave in overnight. Rinse out in the morning for a healthy scalp and hair.

Trimming the hair:

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It is ideal to trim split ends from the hair regularly as it inhibits hair growth.

Say No to tight hairstyles:

Have you heard about traction alopecia? Its just hair loss due to excess pressure or pulling on the hair. Try to avoid tight hairstyles especially braids to avoid getting it.

Method Three: Washing the Hair

To do this, you have to:

  • Know you hair type
  • Pick the perfect shampoo and conditioner for your hair type
  • Apply shampoo to the scalp
  • Massage the scalp properly
  • Condition the hair after shampooing

My dear readers, you’ve seen its not really difficult to grow your hair. You just need to be consistent and most importantly have patience. If you follow these methods its gonna take like 3 months to see results so don’t let anyone talk you into believing that your hair could grow long in a day. Be patient.


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