Home Health What Happens When You Don’t Eat Food For A Week

What Happens When You Don’t Eat Food For A Week

by Zaineey

What happens when you don’t eat food for a week.

Food is essential for survival and health. Protein foods in the body is used for body building and repair of tissue, carbohydrate is energy giving food while fiber foods help in digestion of food thus preventing constipation. The first hours of eating the body are actively breaking down food glycogen to be used by your cells.

what happens when you don't eat food for a week
what happens when you don’t eat food for a week

What Happens When You Don’t Eat Food For A Week

This is what happens if you eat nothing for a week:

1. When you do not eat food for a week the brain cells will run out of energy.

When there is no food to break down, the body will do ketosis, that is, the body will begin to break down excess fat in the body for energy. This is enough for the body but the brain will not be able to use long fatty acids. The cognitive system becomes impaired when the body is burning fat and fueling other organs of the body.

When the brain needs more than just ketones the body begins to break down its own protein in order to produce glucose by use of amino acids. This means that the body starts to eat itself in order to stay alive. If this continues without eating for up to one month the body will become weak and this can lead to death.

2. If you do not eat for a week you will lose weight, approximately 10-15 pounds both water and fat.

When you starve yourself for a week there will be a great muscle and dehydration in the body, therefore, the metabolic rate will be reduced and this may cause deficiency diseases.

3. Not eating for a week will cause some stomach disease.

Eating no food for a week will cause some stomach disease like ulcers due to gases and heartburn since there is nothing for digestion and the hydrochloric acid will begin to digest the stomach walls and constipation may become an issue.

4. When you do not eat for a week you will not be able to sleep.

This is because your body is active while you are sleeping and metabolism slows down.

5. Feeling cold all the time.

This is also a problem because the body needs to break down calorie to generate heat and maintain a healthy body.

6. Hair will start falling due to lack of protein in the body.

Protein is good for hair growth because the hair follicles are made of protein.

7. Pain in the mid back will also begin.

Feeling pain in the mid back happens when you don’t eat food for a week.

8. Feeling Irritable.

Hunger is linked with anger, an individual feels irritable because of the natural chemical that is produced by the brain when you are hungry.

9. Infertility.

Infertility is one of the major problems if an individual starves her/himself this is because of low calories thus no exercise leading to obesity which increase the infertility risk.


However not eating for a week to some people will be advantageous, if they can manage the week with water only, this can be advantageous to the body. No headaches, acute mind, better vision, glowing skin, and bodily healing will be the outcome because the body has time to check every part and decide which part needs more attention than the other. Also, obsessed people will be able to lose weight and will be healthy with lesser weight.


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