Home beautyMakeup 12 Ways to enhance your beauty without Make-up

12 Ways to enhance your beauty without Make-up

by Zaineey
enhance your beauty without Make-up

A bare natural look not only allows your skin- breathe but allows your originality to shine through. A natural look is the new trend and it is here to stay. It is the best look you can carry around and still be confident.

Do you spend hours in front of the mirror every day just to look gorgeous? While Make-up seems to be the trend for others to express themselves and enhance their features, you don’t need to rely on it as a crutch to define your beauty.

Are you surprised how to enhance your natural beauty without make-up?

 It is very essential to be mindful of your diet, skincare routine, habits, and lifestyle. If you don’t take proper care of any of them, you get your appearance messed up because it’s all about your inside and how well you take good care of yourself. 

Well, I have some tips for you to give you that sun-kissed glow everyone is after.

  1. Moisturize your skin

You should always moisturize your skin with a hydrating moisturizer to make your skin look polished, smooth, and more radiant.

  1. Eat your way to a glowing skin

There are some healthy foods that are best for glowing your skin. They help to prevent your skin from wrinkles and keep your skin soft and supple.

They include

  • Carrot

Carrot contains a lot of vitamin A which improves and protects your skin from sun damage. Carrot helps to enhance your skin tone. It contains a high level of carotenoids which will give you the perfect sun-kissed glow.

  • Soy

It increases collagen especially if you have dry skin. It protects your skin from damage.

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes help to lighten blemishes and reduce pimples on your skin. It’s a great source of vitamin C. It contains carotenoids and lycopene which protects the skin against damage from the sun and also prevents wrinkles.

  • Green tea

This contains catechins which are a powerful source of antioxidants. it improves hydration, elasticity, and thickness of the skin thereby protecting your skin from the sun damage and redness of the skin.

  • Olive oil

Extra virgin oil is anti-inflammatory in nature. its effect on the skin is to protect the skin from sun damage and redness.

  • Ginger

Ginger is also anti-inflammatory in nature. It contains gingerol. It helps your skin to prevent aging.

  • Fatty fish

Fatty fish include salmon, mackerel, and herring. They contain vitamin E which protects the skin from radicals. Fatty fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, they help to maintain skin health.

It helps those suffering from dry skin, keeping your skin thick, moisturized, and toned. Lastly, it reduces inflammation

for those with acne and sensitive skin.

  • Avocados

Avocados contain vitamin B6, E, C, and K. This is a very important antioxidant that helps to fight free radical damage. It is also high in healthy fats which plumps, protects, nourishes, and hydrates the skin.

  • Walnuts

Walnuts contain little amounts of vitamin C and E which helps your skin to stay healthy. Walnuts can be a good source of essential fatty acids which are fats your body cannot make itself.

  • Sunflower seed

Sunflower seeds are another important antioxidant for the skin. It is a source of nutrients that provides vitamin E which is essential for your skin.

  • Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes can help the skin to prevent wrinkles, sunburn, and dry skin. It contains beta- carotene which enhances your skin tone.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant which helps to protect the skin from acne. It speeds the production of collagen which makes the skin firm and elastic.

  • Bone broth

Bone broth is another healthy food that helps your skin glow. It contains high collagen which reduces premature aging, wrinkles and helps improve your skin elasticity.

  • Red wine

Red wine is also good for your skin. it contains resveratrol which helps to slow aging.

  • Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids is good for your skin. It contains a high level of flavanol. It helps to protect the skin from sun damage. It improves skin thickness, smoothness, and hydration.

The phrase ” you are what you eat” couldn’t be more accurate. A wholesome meal does the magic to keep your skin healthy and radiant from in and out giving your body all it requires for your skin to pop.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Every system and proper body function needs water. The importance of water in the body cannot be overemphasized.

Always carry a bottle of water wherever you go and keep yourself hydrated as many times as possible throughout your day. Take a minimum of 8 or more glass of water, it helps to keep your body active. It flushes out toxins from your body, enhances your skin, and keeps wrinkles at bay.

  1. Use coconut oil

Coconut oil has antioxidants such as vitamins A and E. It hydrates the skin for 24 hours and helps to improve your skin elasticity and in the production of collagen.

Coconut oil is known for its anti-aging properties. It slows the aging process and helps to reduce the damage from the sun. It lightens the skin and helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots or uneven tone. Adding lemon juice can also enhance its effect.

  1. Reduce stress

Reduce stress as possible. Uncontrolled stress can lead to problems like hypotension and headache. In our contemporary world today, we all have busy schedules, and stress comes naturally.

So while you can’t avoid work, and all the stress it comes with, you should also find a way to manage it because stress can lead to acne, hair fall and greying of hair. So to avoid this effect, make out time for anything you love doing.

  1. Exfoliating is vital

Exfoliating is the key. It should be apart of your skincare routine. It is the key to radiant skin. Your skin is always shedding dead cells from the surface, which helps in renewing itself with new and healthy cells.

Excess of dead cells sitting on the skin can lead to blackheads, pimples, acne, and clogged pores. Keep exfoliating to a minimum of twice a week. It will help your skin look smoother and fresher.

  1. Use sunscreen

Make sunscreen mandatory. It is not an option. If you can adhere to this simple instruction, you will be happy afterward.

The sun’s UVA, UVB, UVC rays cause premature aging on your skin. This sunscreen prevents your face from sunburn, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.

  1. Good posture

Always maintain good posture, always be conscious of how you sit, walk, and move around. A good posture will not only avoid quick aging, but it also avoids straining your muscles, spine, and ligament. Slouching and a poor posture damages your body.

  1. Cut down junk

To maintain healthy skin, you must avoid fast food like deep-fried, burgers, french fries, and sugary items. Junks will make an abnormal difference in your overall appearance and health.

Unhealthy food, alcohol, cigarettes are hazardous to the body and can lead to other issues that will show in your appearance. Maintain a proper diet and a balance between fast food and healthy food.

  1. Get your beauty sleep

You recharge your mobile right? Well, it’s the same for your body to maintain that glow. Regardless of whether you make-up or not, there is no replacement for a good night’s sleep. It is very pertinent that you get at least 6-8 hours of quality sleep because your body repairs and regains itself.

  1.  Be Happy

Make out time and focus on activities that make you happy. It can be cooking, listening to music, exercising, dancing, cycling, swimming, or painting. The stress of our daily activities sometimes can dim our sparks and make us disturbed or sad.

Take out time for yourself and focus on the magical part of life, engage yourself today in what makes you happy and bring your spark back! Remember life is very short!

  1. Take care of your smile

You can never go wrong wearing a smile. A great smile boosts your confidence to a whole new level. It’s a beautiful curve on your face, that makes your beauty complete and shouldn’t be taken away.

In conclusion

These are the 12 best tips to look beautiful naturally without the help of make-up.

Ladies! Your inner beauty never needs make-up. Well, it is possible to ditch your morning routine sometimes and still end up looking drop-dead gorgeous. Hello to radiant spring skin!

Do you have a favorite tip? Please share in the comment section below.

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