Home beautySkin Care 10 Bad Habits That Are Making You Look Old

10 Bad Habits That Are Making You Look Old

by Zaineey
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Did someone tell you that you look old for your age? Perhaps you have these bad habits that make you look older. Here are 10 bad habits that you should avoid.

Bad Habits That Make You Look Older

1. Frowning

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Frowning produces an impression that you’re grumpy and unapproachable, and that makes you look older. As a habit, it can make you look older over time. The best way to end this habit is to smile.

That small curve in your lips can make your day better, your mood brighter, and lastly, can make you feel and look younger. Should you ever catch yourself frowning at any moment, take a moment to smile.

2. Slouching

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Slouching is for older people and so, it’s a bad habit that will definitely make you look older. Slouching when walking absorbs your energy, causing tight muscles and soreness as it pulls on your muscles and tendons. This will result in back pains that will not only make you look older but feel older as well.

3. Long screen time

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Facing the screens of televisions, computers, laptops, phones, and tablets doesn’t bring anything good to you. Not only are the screens harmful to your eyes, but tilting your head to adjust to the screens, whether it’s upwards on TV or downwards on phones and laptops can affect the skin on your neck, which is a lot thinner compared to other skin on your body. This is a bad habit that you should avoid as early as now to prevent you from looking older.

4. Skipping sleep

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This is a bad habit that most people seem to do these days. If you’re one of those who are okay with four or five hours of sleep in a day, trust me, it’s not doing you any good. Hitting the sack late every night is tantamount to preventing your body to repair and replenish, thus making yourself feel and look older.

5. Smoking

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Myriads of warnings have already been given against smoking. It’s in itself a bad habit, and it affects your skin from the inside to the out. The full-pledge smokers are the warning signs on cigarette packs that can attest to this. Remove the smoking habit from your list; you’ll help yourself from looking older.

6. Poor Diet

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Filling yourself up with junk food and alcohol will not do you any good, as it denies your body the key nutrients necessary for it to function fully. Switching it up to something healthy like naturally-produced food, fruits, and vegetables, and incorporating this into your daily meals will make you look younger. Avoid having a poor diet. It’s a bad habit that’ll make you look older.

7. Poor Skin Care

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Saying no to proper skincare is a bad habit that should be avoided. As tempting as it is to head straight to bed after a tiring day, washing your face and having it clean before sleeping is necessary.

The skin replenishes effectively during sleep, so having clean, unclogged pores, free of makeup and other products will let your skin breathe and replenish. Disregarding skincare definitely contributes to skin deterioration that’ll make you look older.

8. Not managing your stress

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Stress takes a big toll on aging, and so not managing it, will certainly result in an older-looking you. Letting yourself drown in the stress of your day-to-day routine is a bad habit that will definitely make you older. This is why managing your stress plays an important role in aging.

9. Running too much

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While it’s true that staying active is the key to a youthful glow, too much of it can also make you look older. Too much running punishes your body and becomes a factor in looking older. If running is a passion for you, you don’t have to stop. Just make sure to incorporate strengthening workouts and rest days in between.

10. Harboring anger & grudges

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Harboring anger & grudges doesn’t just happen on the internal side of your body. It can also affect your aging process. Having a grumpy attitude as a result of anger and grudges leads to your inability to relax, enjoy, and be happy. It may even lead to depression, which will most likely happen if it’s taken as a habit.

Engaging in enjoying activities and letting go of your anger and grudges will definitely make you happy, relaxed, and younger-looking. This is a bad habit that makes you look older. It’s the one bad habit that must be avoided.


The best way to avoid these bad habits that make you look older is to live in happiness, satisfaction, and enjoyment while taking precautions and avoiding things that are unhealthy. Leading a happy life and avoiding these bad habits will make you stay young, even as you grow old.

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